Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lights out Night

I hope you all are turning off your lights fromm 8:30 to 9:30! It's world-wide lights off night. I'm too lazy to explain here, so google it if you don't know what I"m talking about.

New Blog E-mail

Instead of having Cassie change the settings so people with accounts can post only, April came up with a great idea to have a joined account. We attach this blog to an e-mail she makes, then we use that e-mail to sign in, (everyone knows the e-mail, password, etc.) and anyone can post. Easy peasy. We don't have to change the blog or anything. Great idea April!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Please only vote once!

This is to see when the most people can come to SR.

It's refering to NEXT Sunday/Saturday, the one after this Sunday, NOT this Sunday/Satuday.

Basic Sea Circle Information

(Don't worry, I will only use peoples first names, but if you don't want me to, just comment and I will remove all traces. Be warned though, I get to choose your code name! JK)

Members and Their Jobs:
April - Founder
Emma - Head Explorer
Cassie - Camera Woman
Mae - Nonexistant so far
Bridget - Idea Maker and Blog Founder (self appointed blog founder, ha ha)
Kate - I have an idea for Kate's, but it isn't officail. She can be the Story Teller!
Adiyna - Poisen Oak Maniac (she made that one up, ha ha!)
Amamda - Nonexistant so far
Meg - Namer/Songwriter/etc. (Meg, if you can come up with a name for this, it would be great!)

The reason some people have nonexistant so far is because they were not with the original group, which is when we made the names. Next time they will get jobs too.

What We Do:
So far we basically just go out to Steep Ravine together sometimes.

Shell Rings!

I probally forgot LOADS, so just comment and I'll add. Sorry, I promise to ask Cassie how to allow anyone to post with an account.

First Post

This is the first post of the official Sea Circle blog. Right now only I can make posts, but Cassie knows how to make it so anyone with an account can add posts - so it is a group blog. For now, just comment what you want me to post about, and I will. To comment without an account, click the 3rd option, or the 4th. If you use the fourth, please write your name at the bottom of your post so we know who you are! Thanks!

Enough techy stuff. Like I said, this is the first post of the official Sea Circle blog. Here we can write about our trips, what trips we want to do, when/where they are, pictures, stuff about our group, etc. It's easier then sending out a mass e-mail, and funner too.

That about covers it, any questions, please comment!